- 1972
- The Gahanna Rotary, The Gahanna Ministerial Association and Pastor Donald Swift started giving out food to the community
- Sally and Jim Williams helped with GRIN and then took over the pantry out of their home
- Thanksgiving boxes were given out to families in need
- Mifflin Presbyterian Church offered to house the food pantry
- Christmas Adoptions to help families in need began
- Lions Club joined forces with GRIN for Holiday Assistance
- GRIN began providing assistance with utilities payments
- The GCMA collaborated with GRIN to consolidate services provided in the community
- Fall 2011 - A Board was created to begin the planning and the consolidation process
The following services were provided by separate entities, but integrated as part of GRIN:
- Clothing free store (from Stonybrook) - Clothing for 420 families (currently discontinued)
- Summer Lunch Club (as part of the BRIDGE) - served 4650 lunches
- Executive Director, Brenda Johnston hired part-time to execute the directives of the Board
- Meijer at N. Hamilton Road chose GRIN as recipient for their “Simply Give Program”
- GRIN moved to 760 Morrison Rd, Gahanna to integrate several added programs
GRIN began partnering with the Gahanna-Jefferson School District to provide:
- Weekend Supplement food packs to the 2015-2016 school year children in need on the weekends
- Back to School fair providing school supplies, book bags and other services needed to start the new school year
- GRIN joined forces with Mid-Ohio
- Program Director, Beth Bentley was hired part-time to execute the directives of the Board and the Executive Director
- October, 2017, GRIN moved to a new facility at 165 Granville Street, Gahanna, OH, 43230
- COVID-19 pandemic hit the community and increased the needs exponentially
- GRIN purchased a box truck to transport food and to provide a mobile pick-up when needed
- GRIN hired a part-time Food Pantry Manager
- GRIN discontinued the Clothing Pantry
- Began Mobile Food Pantry servicing community
- Began home deliveries to those in need of such service
- Executive Director was hired full-time
- GRIN joined forces with community gardens
- Together, we'll celebrate our 50th GRINiversary
- Diverse food selections now offered
- Moved to 161 Granville St., walk-in freezer/cooler added
- Food pantry manager and program director's hours increased
- Pantry Administrator hired part-time
- Winter Produce Facilitated
- Temperature-regulated Lockers for 24/7 Service